Wikipedia Klaaf:XML-Versionshistorie von Wikoelsch importieren

The suggested method appears to me as utterly nonsential. Maybe, I did not understand it. At least it does not work. Including the xml data in <pre></pre> shows exactly this data. Not doing so shows some interpreted data, but neither does import anything into the page history. Tested with Image_talk:Houpsick-Screenshot.png -- Purodha Blissenbach 22:09, 4 April 2006 (UTC)

Yes, this is a "dirty" method you only should choose if No.1 and No.2 at Wikipedia:Versionshistorie von Wikoelsch importieren are not possible. This 3rd method is better than nothing. The important thing is, that you import your articles GFDL conformal. This means that at least a full article history overview (&action=history) has to be included; and the article revision history (who did what) has to remain (either on Wikoelsch or here on Wikipedia)! -- 11:41, 5 April 2006 (UTC)
OK. I did not catch that this was only the 3rd choice. Rather I was expecting some XML magic in the routine that stores article data, which is not there. -- Purodha Blissenbach 20:10, 5 April 2006 (UTC)

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