Wikipedia:XML-Versionshistorie von Wikoelsch importieren
How to include the XML data from Wikoelsch into a Wikipedia page (don't confuse this with a proper Special:Import):
At Wikoelsch:
- Go to Special:Export
- Type the title of the article you wish to export into the box
- Uncheck "Include only the current revision, not the full history" ("Nur die aktuelle Version der Seite exportieren")
- Send that request (button below)
With your web browser or text editor:
- Copy the XML content, or better: Save the XML file and open it with a text editor, then copy the shown content
On Wikipedia:
- Edit your article
- Paste the content of the XML file into the edit box (you may want to enclose this with <pre>...</pre>)
- Write an appropriate edit summary
- Save the article
- Edit your article once more
- Clear the edit box and paste in the actual article