
// Adjusting HotCat text and settings
if ( typeof( HotCat ) != 'undefined' ) {
	HotCat.messages.cat_removed   = 'removed [[Saachjrupp:$1]]';
	HotCat.messages.template_removed  = 'removed {{[[Saachjrupp:$1]]}}';
	HotCat.messages.cat_added     = 'added [[Saachjrupp:$1]]';
	HotCat.messages.cat_keychange = 'new key for [[Saachjrupp:$1]]: "$2"';
	HotCat.messages.cat_notFound  = 'Category "$1" not found';
	HotCat.messages.cat_exists    = 'Category "$1" already exists; not added.';
	HotCat.messages.cat_resolved  = ' (redirect [[Saachjrupp:$1]] resolved)';
	HotCat.messages.uncat_removed = 'removed {{uncategorized}}';
	HotCat.messages.using         = ' using [[Help:Gadget-HotCat|HotCat]]';
	HotCat.messages.multi_change  = '$1 categories';
	HotCat.messages.commit        = 'Save';
	HotCat.messages.ok            = 'OK';
	HotCat.messages.cancel        = 'Abbrechen';
	HotCat.messages.multi_error   = 'Could not retrieve the page text from the server. Therefore, your category changes '
					+'cannot be saved. We apologize for the inconvenience.';

	HotCat.categories          = 'Categories';
	HotCat.disambig_category   = 'Disambiguation';
	HotCat.redir_category      = 'Category redirects';
	HotCat.uncat_regexp        = /\{\{\s*([Uu]ncat(egori[sz]ed( image)?)?|[Nn]ocat|[Nn]eedscategory)[^}]*\}\}\s*(<\!--.*?--\>)?/g;
	HotCat.template_categories = {};

	HotCat.engine_names.searchindex = 'Search index';
	HotCat.engine_names.pagelist    = 'Page list';
	HotCat.engine_names.combined    = 'Combined search';
	HotCat.engine_names.subcat      = 'Subcategories';
	HotCat.engine_names.parentcat   = 'Parent categories';

	HotCat.tooltips.change = 'Modify';
	HotCat.tooltips.remove = 'Remove';
	HotCat.tooltips.add = 'Add a new category';
	HotCat.tooltips.restore = 'Undo changes';
	HotCat.tooltips.undo = 'Undo changes';
	HotCat.tooltips.down = 'Open for modifying and display subcategories';
	HotCat.tooltips.up = 'Open for modifying and display parent categories';

	HotCat.multi_tooltip = 'Modify several categories';
} // end if
